Sierra, September 2018
narratives & essays

A package of stories on the year in miracles.

Making the Best of Fearing the Worst
Considering the power of negative thinking...
The Washington Post, June 2008
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Charlotte, N.C.’s Identity Crisis
Charlotte’s anxiety about the banking debacles isn’t just about the thousands of bank jobs here, but the loss of our identity., February 2009
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They had just taken off on their honeymoon flight when one engine blew.
Reader’s Digest, April 2004
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Commentary: A Plea for a Better Childcare Tax Deducation
NPR’s “All Things Considered”, January 2002
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Commentary: On Busing
Longing for the day when it will be easier to answer the question, “Where is your child going to school?”
NPR’s “All Things Considered”, February 2001
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